dear hospital

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3 Responses to dear hospital

  1. vgutmann says:

    A great idea to write a thank you letter for the 100wc, well done! I love your use of the word ‘isolated’. USE CAPITAL LETTERS AT THE BEGINNING OF EVERY SENTENCE.

  2. Mrs Johnson (Team 100wc - Australia) says:

    Dear Lana and Chase
    You have selected a good method of responding to the 100 word challenge prompt this week. When I read this aloud, there was excellent use of varied sentence lengths to create an impact. To improve your effective communication, you now need to focus on using accurate punctuation. Keep up the creative writing.
    Mrs Johnson

  3. Mr Duffin says:

    Lana and Chase, I really like some of the extra details that you have included in your writing. Your variety of sentence styles really help make your writing lively.

    Keep it up!

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