Zoo story by Arnas

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2 Responses to Zoo story by Arnas

  1. Mrs W says:

    Hi Arnas. Well a clone! That is certainly an original idea. Good effort. I would like to know more about what happens when the Lord of Nulth meets his clone. The part about the lama was funny, but it didn’t seem to match with the rest of the challenge. I know it is hard in only 100 words, but sometimes we need to leave things out so that our readers can easily follow the one good idea. Also, remember to start spoken sentences with capital letters.
    Mrs W (Team 100 Australia)

  2. vgutmann says:

    A very unexpected ending! Well done at your first attempt at the 100wc. Make sure you start each new person speaking on a new line. E.g.
    “Visiting my buddy.”
    “I am not your buddy!” He shouted.

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