Mutant crocodile

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4 Responses to Mutant crocodile

  1. Mr Darling says:

    Wow! What an excellent 100 word challenge. I loved reading it and I think it’s a great idea that you all worked on it together. Well done Billy, Danny, Harvey and Christopher!

    In just 100 words you managed to grab my excitement with a crocodile attack – and not just any crocodile….a mutant crocodile! – and wrap the whole story up really smoothly (the end is often the trickiest part, but you did it perfectly!) I live the adventurous language you used that helped me imagine exactly what was happening and how – terrorising, crept and, best of all, stealthily. Fantastic effort!

    The only things I can spot that could make it even better (and they’re really small things) are if you broke up your last sentence into 2 – how do you think you could do that? – and I like the idea of a snappy single word ending, something like….Phew! Or….That was close!

    I really enjoyed your challenge and I hope you keep up the excellent effort. Well done!

    Mr Darling (Lyons Hall school, Braintree, Essex)

  2. vgutmann says:

    You forgot to use ‘forgot’! I like your use of the word stealthily. The last sentence should be two sentences. E.g. …threw it at the crocodile. As soon as it touched it…

  3. willw says:

    Thanks for all the praise!

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