nans birthday by taya

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3 Responses to nans birthday by taya

  1. Tyler says:

    You did a splendid job with the rhyming.
    I enjoyed the great way you wrote it.
    Do keep it up,

  2. Ally says:

    Great job on this piece of writing! I love how unique this is- you used the five 100 word challenge words in poetry form! You had some extraordinary creativity in this challenge, with your fire hoops and spaghetti loops. I also found it interesting that she was pleased with her white putty goo and rubber screw. Rhyming can sometimes be difficult, though you handled it wonderfully and everything connected to make sense. Your use and context of the 5 words were amazing! Keep up the good work!

  3. jonej says:

    Great gob taya! I hope you are ok.

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