Felicity 5SC Week11

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4 Responses to Felicity 5SC Week11

  1. phaylock says:

    Well done Felicity. Excellent punctuation of your 5 sentences about the jungle. I really like the adjectives you have used, especially ‘slivery’. Next time you could tell me what the black monkey was doing by including a verb and possibly an adverb.

    E.g. I can see a black monkey swinging quickly in the tall green trees.

  2. pestf says:

    Well done Felicity. I enjoy seeing your work on the computer. Keep up the good work. Daddy.

  3. Mrs. Weeks says:

    I’ve been in a jungle and it is certainly noisy. Your writing describes how it is busy, with many animals. Next time think about all your senses; what might you feel whilst watching that ‘cheeky’ monkey?

  4. Mrs W (Team5SC) says:

    Hello Felicity,

    I enjoyed reading your 5 sentence challenge, I liked your flamingo sentence.

    Just a little tip to double check your spelling, e.g. ‘roaring’.

    Well done,

    Mrs W
    Team 5 SC

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